Dr. Jennifer Clarke


Behavioral Ecologist, Center for Wildlife Studies

M.A., Zoology, University of Montana

Ph.D., Zoology, Washington State University

Email: jclarke@centerforwildlifestudies.org

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Jennifer’s research is focused on identifying and describing the form and function of acoustic signals of wildlife and how knowledge of these signals can aid in conservation and management. As a professor at the University of Northern Colorado, she and her lab published studies of acoustic communication in North American elk, white-nosed coatis, and white-tailed ptarmigan. 

As the Wallace Fellow in the Department of Brain, Behaviour and Evolution at Macquarie University, Sydney, AUS, she and her lab published studies of acoustic communication in Tasmanian devils, Sumatran tigers, grey-headed flying foxes, dingoes, and domestic dogs. As a professor at Unity College, Maine, she continued to study elk communication and initiated the first study of acoustic communication between female bison and their calves. 

    • Wildlife Bioacoustics

    • Mammalogy

    • Davis, K.L. and J.A. Clarke. 2019. A Tasmanian devil call encodes identity and decreases agonistic behaviour. Bioacoustics 29:1-16.  https://doi.org/10.1080/09524622.2019.1643407

    • Pearson, T., and J.A. Clarke. 2019. Urban noise and grey-headed flying-fox vocalisations: evidence of the silentium effect. Urban Ecosystems 22(2), 271-280. 

    • Rose, S.J. and J.A. Clarke. 2017. Quantitative analysis of vocalisations and sounds of Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae). Bioacoustics 27 (1), 13-26. doi.org/10.1080/09524622.2016.1272003

    • Déaux, É.C., I. Charrier and J.A. Clarke. 2016. The bark, the howl and the bark-howl: Identity cues in dingoes’ multicomponent calls. Behavioural Processes 129:94-100.

    • Déaux, É.C., A.P. Allen, J.A. Clarke and I. Charrier. 2016. Concatenation of ‘alert’ and ‘identity’ segments in dingoes’ alarm calls. Scientific Reports 6, 30556. DOI:10.1038 /srep 30556.

    • Déaux, É.C., I. Charrier and J.A. Clarke. 2016. Dingo howls: the content and efficacy of a long range signal. Ethology 122:649-659.

    • Déaux, É.C., J.A. Clarke and I. Charrier. 2015. Aggressive bimodal communication in domestic dogs, Canis familiaris. PLoS ONE 10(11), e0142975.

    • Wood, P. A. J. de Bie and J.A. Clarke. 2014. Behavioural and physiological responses of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) to agonistic growls from conspecifics. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 161:105-112.

    • Ausmus, D.M. and J. A. Clarke. 2014. Mother knows best: Functionally referential alarm calling in white-tailed ptarmigan. Animal Cognition 17:671-679.

    • Déaux, E. C. and J.A. Clarke. 2013. Dingo (Canis lupus dingo) acoustic repertoire: Form and context. Behaviour 150:75-101.

    • Clarke, J.A. 2010. White-tailed ptarmigan food calls enhance chick diet choice: learning nutritional wisdom? Animal Behaviour 79:25-30.

    • Evans, C.S. and J.A. Clarke. 2010. Referential Signaling. In: The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (Eds: M. D. Breed and J. Moore) Vol 3, Chapter 21, pp 27-32. Academic Press, Oxford, UK.

    • Feighny, J.J., K.E. Williamson, and J.A. Clarke. 2006. North American elk bugle vocalizations: male and female bugle call structure and context. Journal of Mammalogy 87:1072-1077.

    • Allen, T. F. and Clarke, J. A. 2005. Social learning of food preferences by white-tailed ptarmigan chicks. Animal Behavior 70:305-310.

    • Compton, L.A., Clarke, J.A., Seidensticker, J. and Ingrisano, D. 2002. Acoustic characteristics of white-nosed coati vocalizations: a test of motivation-structural rules. Journal of Mammalogy 82:1054-1058.

    • Maurello, M.A., Clarke, J.A., and Ackley, R.S. 2000. Signature vocalizations of the white-nosed coati, Nasua narica. Journal of Mammalogy 81:415-421.